Today I launched the “Why Not?” daily huddle, available on YouTube. The purpose of these 3- to 10-minute morning sessions is to reach those who believe there is, or should be, more to life and want more money, more time, or more fulfillment in their lives – which in my experience includes just about everyone! The concept of a daily huddle is one which I have used for several years in my own law firm and because it has proven so effective, I am confident you will find it to be just as valuable, especially if you make it an ongoing habit to tune in.
It’s been said that the way we start anything goes a very long way to determining how we finish. With that in mind, I ask you to consider how most people start their day. Typically, it’s by catching up on the news from the previous night and – even more typically – that news is deflating. Tragedy, conflict, and dysfunction served on a bed of negativity, followed by a few minutes of weather and sports, then topped with a cheery, “Have a great day!” “Ah,” some say, “but that’s what people want to see!” I strongly disagree. I believe that launching your day with joy, hope, passion, encouragement and clarity is an infinitely better way to begin your daily walk.
Make no mistake, this daily huddle is designed to set your day on that better trajectory from the very beginning – one that will serve your needs and desires – and that will result in a better destiny. You may wonder what it is that qualifies me to bring you this huddle and the high expectations I want you to have for it. Briefly, I have studied the art and science of producing optimal results for over 30 years. Beginning in high school to apply what I was learning, I excelled academically and, as captain of Columbia University’s baseball team, athletically before becoming an attorney and certified business coach. Within two years of leaving law school I had defied the advice of naysayers by leaving a position with a prestigious firm to start my own, and already had 40 employees. Today that number has grown to over 100, yet I also coach baseball and lead a very fulfilling, well-balanced life. I have achieved my dreams because of the daily decisions I have made, and those decisions are founded on three beliefs: 1) our destiny is driven by our daily actions, 2) our daily actions are driven by our daily thoughts, and 3) our daily thoughts are based on how we feel each day.
I want to hear from you, and specifically I want to know two things. First, what do you want? Better relationships? More business? Less stress? And second, what is keeping you from having what you want? You may find the second question a bit more difficult to answer, but give it a shot. Then email those answers to me at The Why Not daily huddle is here to address those answers, just as I address them with clients and associates, some of whom own $30 million dollar businesses yet wrestle with all kinds of challenges and are searching for the answers that will put them back in control of their lives. Every huddle will be different (occasionally we will have guests) but their common denominator will be to provide another useful, positive launch to your day.
This will cost you nothing. You will simply be investing 3- to 10- minutes each morning, five days a week, as often as you can, for one year. Please be generous with your sharing of this opportunity via Facebook and other social media platforms. And last, feel very encouraged to send me not just what you want and what you think is blocking you from having it, but also your suggestions for the huddle, because I truly want to hear them. Let’s get started!
Why Not #1, October 22, 2015 | Sean Callagy
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