Monday, October 12, 2015

Employee Handbooks or Employee Contracts?

Most employees are classified as what is called “at-will” employees meaning that at the will of either the employee or the employer the employment agreement between the two parties can be ended at any time.


However, in some jurisdictions, certain factors have the potential of turning at-will employment into a contract or permanent employment situation.


Probationary Periods


Many employers have probationary periods of 30, 90, or some other set number of days during which the employer closely evaluates the employee’s performance and behavior while providing regular feedback.  At the end of that probationary period, the employer may summarily terminate the employee or permit him or her to continue working at the firm indefinitely.


The issue is that in some cases, once an employee is no longer probationary, it is assumed that the employee is a permanent employee who should only be terminated for cause.  Courts may find that the employer has offered a contract for permanent or something more secure than at-will employment based on a probationary period.


Some human resource experts believe that foregoing probationary periods altogether may be a better option.  Or, employers can introduce certain benefits in stages, such as health care benefits after 30 days, and retirement benefits after 90 days, to minimize costs associated with hiring employees who do not work out.


Employee Handbooks as Employment Contracts


It is a common business practice for businesses to create employee handbooks that lay out the responsibilities and rights of employees at the business.  These handbooks discuss any number of topics such as non-discrimination statements, dress codes, vacation and sick leave rules, as well as performance appraisal information.  Additionally, these handbooks may include information on the terms of employee or the procedures for termination of employment.


In some situations, it is possible to argue that that the handbook creates an employment contract that supersedes the at-will default rule.  Employers need to be careful to explicitly state that the handbook is not a contract and that the handbook is not intended to change the nature of the employment arrangement or supercede at-will employment.  It is possible to inadvertently create an employment contract that creates additional burdens on employers.


So, why bother writing an employee handbook in the first place?  While there are risks in writing down policies because there may be unintended consequences, there are significant risks in failing to provide written documentation on job requirements and expectations to employees.  Without written standard language for employees to reference, there is the potential that employees will not know what is expected of them or that terminated or disgruntled employees may pursue litigation against the company alleging that he or she was somehow mistreated or discriminated against as there were no clear policies to follow or that each employee was treated differently in some sort of discriminatory and illegal manner.


Contact a Skilled Law Firm for Help Now


Creating and maintaining a business can be a daunting endeavor.  The experienced and dedicated attorneys at Callagy Law are ready to help answer your questions about forming a business or ensuring that your existing business is in compliance with the law.  Contact Callagy Law now for legal guidance.


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Employee Handbooks or Employee Contracts?

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