Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A History of Workers’ Compensation: Part II | Callagy Law

The 1900’s.


Click Here to Read Part I.


The purpose of this post is to help assist healthcare providers and owners with questions they have concerning their business or relevant knowledge in the field. The Callagy Law team is knowledgeable in many law practice areas and will frequently post topics ranging from Medical Revenue Recovery, PIP, Workers Compensation, and Commercial Insurance. We hope to have this blog shed a light on many common questions.


Although Workers’ Compensation reform took root in Europe during the late 19th century, it would take several decades later before the United States adopted the concept. During the 1900s, a group of authors known as the “muckrackers” focused their writing on the experiences of the common man, government and business corruption, and social change. One of these muckrackers, Upton Sinclair, wrote The Jungle. The novel detailed the deplorable working conditions of a slaughterhouse in Chicago. Although the intention of the book was to call attention to the need to improve working conditions, its immediate effect on the public led to the passage of the Food and Drug Act of 1906.


Nevertheless, public support for workers’ compensation reform continued to increase during the 1900s. Several states made attempts to pass comprehensive workers’ compensation acts. In 1908, President Taft put into law the United States’ first workers’ compensation system for workers involved in interstate commerce.  The decentralization of labor law in the United States created a barrier to nationwide reform. Manufacturers argued that although they were ready for change, state by state regulation would create unfair competitive advantages. In 1910, a conference was held in Chicago to address this issue.  Representatives from all industrial states gathered to create a uniform set of compensation laws.  The first of these laws was passed in Wisconsin in 1911 and expanded to most other states shortly after.


In its inception, workers’ compensation received criticism from medical professionals as an attempt to control fees. However, this opinion changed when Social Security Disability Insurance was created during the 1930s. The program generated a greater demand for medical services and proved to be profitable for the medical profession.


The workers’ compensation system in the United States follows the Prussian model of the late 19th century. It is a no fault system that provides security for employees and shields employers from tort liability. An injured worker may sue third parties responsible for their injuries, but recovery from these suits must compensate the workers’ compensation carrier. Workers’ compensation plans are either funded by the employer through an insurance carrier or self-insurance account. Although the Workers’ Compensation system has remained largely unchanged through the decades, in 1990, the American with Disability Act (ADA) required employers to provide “reasonable accommodation” for disabled workers.


The Team at Callagy Law hopes the information in this article was helpful in either your personal or professional life. The legal world pertains to all walks of life and more specifically, various types of healthcare providers. Callagy Law, is a multidisciplinary law firm, headquartered in Paramus, NJ owned and operated by Sean Callagy. We are committed to providing legal representation and advice to our clients at additional law offices located across the United States. Please note that the information posted here should not be used as a legal argument of defense. If you find yourself needing legal advice pertaining to your unique situation, you can contact us at here. Feel free to search us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn! Additionally you can subscribe to our daily videos on YouTube.



Click Here to Read Part I.


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A History of Workers’ Compensation: Part II | Callagy Law

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